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Wednesday, 25 September 2002

I hate deadlines

type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type..

pause to bang head on table

type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type.. type..

[Archive Link]  Posted by Edda at 22:46 CET


[Comments Link]  1. Posted by steve on 26 September, 2002 14:05 CET

deadlines’re bad, m’kay?

might i respectfully suggest an IV drip of caffeine to speed up the process… ?

or try eating sugar straight from the pack. that normally boost my energy levels up :).
however, i now weight 3,957kg, so i guess there’s a down side to everything. :P

[Comments Link]  2. Posted by Edda on 26 September, 2002 23:15 CET

What’s the downside to caffeine IV?

[Comments Link]  3. Posted by steve on 27 September, 2002 16:18 CET

little holes all over your body.


[Comments Link]  4. Posted by Edda on 27 September, 2002 16:29 CET

Oh. Well as long as stuff doesn’t begin to leak out of those holes I think that’s okay ;)

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