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Monday, 13 January 2003

Night? Day?

My daily schedule is currently totally fucked up. I'm already living on California time and sleep by day and am awake at night. I'm such a night owl. I hope I'll get back to a more normal schedule when I'm in San Francisco.

Now I'll have a farewell dinner with my roommates. This is going to be yummy. Be back later with a neat surprise for all you Lego and/or Star Wars fans out there.

[Archive Link]  Posted by Edda at 20:07 CET


[Comments Link]  1. Posted by Juan on 14 January, 2003 03:57 CET

Hehe, just get some rest girl…

[Comments Link]  2. Posted by perlmunkee on 14 January, 2003 04:13 CET

Make sure your schedule is by the time I make the trip out there :)

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