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Friday, 12 July 2002

Cleaning up

I bought a new hard drive last week (80gigs, woohoo) and I'm still not finished transfering my data to the new drive. I told myself that I'd bring more order into my data. Everything was pretty messy because it had evolved over the years and I had added new folders at random locations. I had a couple of redundant folders and I had totally forgotten about some of the stuff I had stored there just because it was hidden so well. But storing things nicely is quite a lot of work. And also pretty boring. So I guess it'll take another week or two before everything is like it should be.

Gosh this must be the most boring entry I have ever made.

[Archive Link]  Posted by Edda at 14:53 CET


[Comments Link]  1. Posted by steve on 16 July, 2002 00:11 CET

hey, if you want boring, go check out my place ;).

i liek shuffling stuff around. making things ordered. always collpases into chaos pretty quickly though…
actually, watching it all fall down is pretty fun too.
heh heh…

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