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Sunday, 2 June 2002


We played Beach Volleyball today for the first time this year. I had a lot of fun but now everything hurts. My arms just aren't used to being assaulted by mean volleyballs all the time. Also it seems you use different muscles in your legs playing Volleyball than you use if you run. Cause some of my leg muscles are sore. But it was worth it.

A co-worker gave me two Euro coins from Ireland where she had visited a friend last week. And also a Spanish and an Italian one. It was so cool of her to think of me. I didn't even ask her to bring me the coins. *happy*

Germany won 8-0 against Saudi-Arabia today. Everybody expected a win. But 8-0 is truly something else....

[Archive Link]  Posted by Edda at 00:40 CET


[Comments Link]  1. Posted by Michi on 2 June, 2002 01:23 CET

I guess it’s bad to exhaust your goal limit in the first game of a worldcup… There are no goals left for the next games. Remember they only shot 1 goal in the EM2000?

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