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Saturday, 20 April 2002


arschformationen.jpg This picture shows a ticket machine for Berlin's public transportation system. It usually reads "Fahrscheine - Informationen" (meaning: tickets - information). Somebody rearranged the letters so it now reads "arsch formationen" (ass formations). Discovered this on my way to work a couple of days ago and it totally made my day.

We picked up Foo from the garage yesterday. The repairs cost 924 Euro. *Arrgh* We needed new tires, new shocks, a new suspension strut on the left side and some other stuff. Well at least this seems to have done the trick and all the strange noises are gone. I'm so glad to have it back. And isn't it a strange coincidence that Foo has problems with its left leg at the same time I have problems with mine?

Michi is currently trying to persuade me to go watch Panic Room with him. I have heard very good things about this movie and apparently it is worth seeing for the cool opening credits alone. The only problem is that I don't take scary movies well. Whenever I see one I can't go to the basement (which is pretty scary to begin with) to get my laundry done alone for weeks afterwards. Sometimes even getting up at night to go to the bathroom creeps me out. And this comment somebody wrote on imdb about this movie doesn't exactly help:

"I will however say that this is a very VERY creepy film. If you get the heeby-jeebies already when you stay home alone, this movie will make you catatonic."

I guess I'll try to be brave and watch it with him. But he has to be prepared to be extra special nice to me for days afterwards.

[Archive Link]  Posted by Edda at 23:56 CET


[Comments Link]  1. Posted by Michi on 21 April, 2002 02:09 CET

Shrinking Violet!

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