Monday, 18 February 2002

Oh well

This is what I found in my Wired newsletter today:

Last Laugh?
A Berlin man who laughed too often -- and too loudly -- was evicted from his flat after neighbors complained. Juergen Olschewski, 59, was forced to leave his home in the working class district of Wedding because he "violated the rules" by laughing loudly, the daily newspaper Bild said. The paper quoted Berlin's state-operated building association as saying in an eviction notice: "You have been charged with violating the rules: causing disturbing noises through loud laughter." An agency spokeswoman said, "We've had too many complaints." Sounds like they need to lighten up.

*sigh* No wonder most people think Germans are unfunny assholes when all they hear about us is stuff like this. I mean of course there are small minded people like this in Germany but I'm sure you can find them all around the world. It's just that this is not what all Germans are like.

The other thing people from other countries will most probably not know is that this Bild newspaper is really not far from e.g. the National Enquirer in the US. (Okay, they don't have kids with a dog's head or angels or stuff like that. Let me just say that you better not believe what they write without checking back with some other news source). Also in Germany if you think somebody has treated you in an unfair manner you don't go to a lawyer and sue him (like you would in America) but you go to Bild newspaper and they'll do the rest ;) What I want to say is this: The story might be true. But it is very likely that there was some other reason to throw him out of his flat as well.

[Archive Link]  Posted by Edda at 21:47 CET


[Comments Link]  1. Posted by perlmunkee on 19 February, 2002 21:59 CET

Germans are unfunny assholes? Why wasn’t I notified of this? And here I’ve been associating with them. Nevermore!!

[Comments Link]  2. Posted by Edda on 20 February, 2002 01:04 CET

No, WAIT! Come back! I’ll behave. I promise. And I’ll be a funny asshole if you want me too!!

[Comments Link]  3. Posted by julia schweiger on 23 April, 2002 14:30 CET

so so so jetzt is es aber genug. sagts mal was bildet ihr arschlöcher euch eigentlich ein? einfach so die deutschen beschimpfn aber selber eh nicht grad helle. scheiß amerikaner. es ist wahr dass viele deutsche verdammte loser sind, aber die gibt es überall auf der welt und deshalb so auf alle losgehn ist natürlich absolut absurd, nur dass das mal klar ist. ich bin ja selber nicht aus deutschland. ich bin aus österreich. aber deshalb beschimpf ich doch nciht unsere nachbarn. also nehmt euch mal zam, ok ?!!?!

[Comments Link]  4. Posted by Edda on 23 April, 2002 14:50 CET

Häh? Ähm, hast du auch gelesen, was in dem Eintrag stand, oder nur die Überschrift? Weil im Prinzip habe ich da nämlich genau dasselbe geschrieben wie du (bis auf den Teil mit den Scheiß Amerikanern). Abgesehen davon: nur weil ich diese Seite auf Englisch schreibe heisst das noch lange nicht, daß ich aus Amerika komme.

Also, es freut mich, daß du meine Seite besucht hast. Aber es wäre nett wenn du nächstes Mal einen freundlicheren Umgangston an den Tag legen würdest. Danke!

The above post is from an Austrian who obviously thought I was insulting Germans with this entry. Because of the post’s richness of swear words I refuse to translate it. I told her that it is nice of her to defend the Germans but there’s no need to do so in this case as I didn’t insult anybody in the first place.

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